Feb. 26, 2022

Interview with Gabriella Stella

We had the pleasure of interviewing Gabriella Stella over Zoom video!

23 year old Gabriella Stella is a high octane singer/songwriter with a burst of pop energy in a very petite package. Her fierce choices of surprise and righteous raw sound leaves...


We had the pleasure of interviewing Gabriella Stella over Zoom video!

23 year old Gabriella Stella is a high octane singer/songwriter with a burst of pop energy in a very petite package. Her fierce choices of surprise and righteous raw sound leaves you desiring one more rift. With her previous skills of acting and modeling; it separates her from the wave of other pop artists. Her explosive performances are filled with original choices, possibly eclectic musical ears. Her musical influences are Demi Lovato, Julia Micheals, and Miley Cyrus. Gabriella has performed at The House of Blues, Disneyland, Grand ole Opry Mills, and local venues.

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2 (1m 27s): What's going on. It is Adam. Welcome back to bringing it backwards. A podcast where both legendary and rising artists tell their own personal stories of how they achieved stardom. On this episode, we had a chance to hang out with Gabriela Stella over zoom video, Gabriela was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. She got introduced to music through her dad who played drums in a British invasion band, but what really sealed the deal for her was watching Hannah Montana. She was a huge fan of, of that show and seeing Miley Cyrus. She really wanted to pursue music that was like at seven. She had a funny story about her performance, her first performance at a talent show and how she was terrified to even sing in front of her mom. 2 (2m 9s): So there's a video of her mom kind of talking to her grandma while she's filming her come out and she ended up doing a great job. So that's a pretty good story. She talks about. She tells us about releasing music on her 21st birthday, which was weeks prior to the pandemic, her first song ever. She put it out on her 21st birthday, but she's really three since then her most recent being a song called paranoid. And we talk all about that as well. You can watch the interview with Gabriella on our Facebook page and YouTube channel app, bringing it backwards. It would be awesome if you subscribe to our channel like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Tik TOK app, bringing back pod. And if you're listening to this on either apple or Spotify, that'd be awesome. 2 (2m 51s): If you could leave us a five star review and follow us there as well, we'd really, really appreciate that. 1 (2m 57s): We'd appreciate your support. If 5 (2m 59s): You and subscribe to our podcasts, wherever you are. 2 (3m 2s): I listen to podcasts. We're bringing it backwards with Gabriela, Stella. This is about you and your journey in music and how you got to where you are now. I'm originally from Texas. Is that whatever. 6 (3m 14s): Yeah. So I am from Dallas, Texas. I've lived here pretty much my whole life. It's kind of funny because a lot of people when they're like, oh, like tell me about your music. They just automatically assume that it's country, 2 (3m 27s): But I'm like, no, Texas, 6 (3m 29s): Oh, you're writing like Carrie Underwood. I'm like, no, not really. Mine's like sad, depressing Billie Eilish, like 2 (3m 39s): A little bit different whereabouts in Texas area or Dallas. I just have family there. So I'm curious. 6 (3m 45s): I live in actually McKinney. So it's like 45 minutes away from Dallas area. It was like 50 Frisco Allen, Melissa. It's like, I dunno, Farmville people say, 2 (3m 57s): Okay, am my families in Plano, Texas? Is that close to you? 6 (4m 2s): It actually is. It's like 15 minutes away. Oh, 2 (4m 4s): Wow. That's cool. Yeah. I've only been there and I went to downtown Dallas a few times, but other than that, and again, I have no concept of any like range. I remember it took like 45 minutes to get to downtown Dallas. 6 (4m 18s): So spread out. I don't think people realize that when they're like, Hey, you know, like, I would love to shoot with you. Like where are you from? And I'm like, oh yeah, I'm from this part. And they're like, oh, okay. That's, shouldn't be that bad. I'm like, that's like an hour and a half away from Fort worth is like, I think 2 (4m 34s): Massive. Right. Dallas Fort worth a huge 6 (4m 38s): It's like, I think like an hour, hour 30 sometimes depending on track. So I'm like, yeah, it's a little far, but yeah, I'll be there. I'll be there 2 (4m 49s): Right on that. Okay. So you you've been there your whole life how'd you get into music? 6 (4m 55s): So my dad's actually in the British invasion band, he plays the drum. Really? Yes. So I grew up with like the, who, the Beatles, literally anything rock. And then he kind of started changing to like British invasion. And 2 (5m 9s): Is he like a cover band? Like a British invasion cover band or what? Oh, okay. 6 (5m 15s): So it's called the blokes 2 (5m 17s): Like that, man. That's a good one. 6 (5m 20s): I always just like grew up around music and it was funny how I got started in music. Cause I watched Hannah Montana and I, I don't know what, in my seven year old brain made me think like, okay, this is like, this is my time. Like, this is how I mentally get famous. Like, or not even famous, but this how people are to know my music. And I turned to my mom, I was like, that's going to be me. Like, I'm going to go to school and I'm going to concerts by night. 2 (5m 48s): And 6 (5m 51s): I'm like seven years old, but I started just signing up for every talent show. Okay. Every talent show, any little neighborhood thing that I could get to, I just loved music. And like, everyone's like, oh my God, you're going to be famous. And for me, I didn't care about that. I just cared about the music. I was like, I just want to sing and perform. And I just loved music and you know, it was funny. My dad was like, oh, like I thought you were gonna be like a rock singer. And I definitely, I'm like a little bit of grit to my voice, like from that, but it's definitely more pop for sure. 2 (6m 25s): So when, when you were younger, I'm curious real quick on your dad playing music drummer. Did you ever go see him play? Like would you go to shows when you were younger? 6 (6m 35s): But it was funny cause like he performs in bars. So I was like 12 trying to be like, Hey, that's my dad. They were like, Hmm. I don't know. I don't know if I should have this 12 year old in here, like ones around the neighborhood that I would see him or he would like film videos or he performed at church a lot. So I'd watch him perform at church a little bit different than the playing like he would do at bars. Obviously it was like completely opposite. But if not, he would play a little show for me before he left for his gigs about way I would feel like I was going. So, 2 (7m 13s): Yeah. That's cool. That's really cool. And for you singing, I mean watching Hannah Montana at seven, like, were you singing prior to that? Like did you take piano lessons or was it like, because of that show, you're like I can sing and I'm going to do this as well. 6 (7m 26s): Yeah, no, honestly I think it was because of that show because it's funny. My mom was like putting me in sports and putting me in cheerleader or whatever. Like, you know, younger trying to like figure out 2 (7m 38s): What is she like 6 (7m 41s): Super uncoordinated. Like that was, it was so bad. Like my mom was like, ah, I don't know what she's going to be good at. Like, cause it literally, it was so bad. I was very clumsy. When I played soccer, I would like pick up the little Danny Lyons, go give it to the other team and be like, you're going good. You're doing good. And they're like, Gabby, that's your enemy. And I'm like, but they're doing good. They're winning. We should be winning. That's what's kind of happening. And like I said, I was watching that show and I was in second grade and they, they like had it cut off where it, second graders could try out for the talent show and I was like, you know what, I'm going to do it. 6 (8m 28s): So 2 (8m 29s): Yeah. Second grade 6 (8m 32s): I talked to my music teacher, Ms. Waley, which I it's so crazy because you still think about these people. Like she was so significant and like helping me and making me feel confident and making me feel like I can do it. And 2 (8m 44s): The music class real quick. Sorry you were in a music class in second grade. Was it like part of the car what'd you play or is it just kind of like a chorus type thing? 6 (8m 53s): But I will say I definitely like would go there after school and she would just be like, okay, let's work on this. Or like, let's talk about this or what do you want to do in class? Like I kind of would be like, okay, let's like do this now. Like, let's see this. So I was always spending time there. Like regardless if it was like a part of the curriculum, I loved it. Like I just wanted to spend as many hours as I could. There was it like 2 (9m 16s): More of a chorus or were there people playing instruments as well? 6 (9m 21s): We would have, like, I remember fourth grade is when they like started letting us play instruments. So they got like recorders or low drums or stuff like that. But I definitely was like trying to like convince her like, okay, what if we did like PN or what if my dad came in like played his drums and she's like, I mean, I can see me. She's like, I can see if I can do that. But yeah. So I talked to her and I was like, Hey, I really want to do this talent show. And she was like, okay, what do you want to do? And I was like, I want to sing. And she had heard me like briefly what she knew. 6 (10m 1s): I was very uncomfortable seeing in front of one. I had only sung in front of her. I'd never sang in front of my family. I've never seen it. Yeah. I was very shy. 6 (11m 11s): And so she's like, are you sure? Like this is going to be friends and family. It's going to go your principals or your teachers like, and I was like, yeah, I want to do it. And so she was like, okay, well tryouts are this, make sure you have your it's so weird CD. Like, so I mean like they exist, but just like her being like bring her CD with the track and then we'll play it and then you can sing. So I had my, we went to this little local store and we got the CD and it was if we were a movie I think, or like the party. So I'm Hannah Montana song and we brought the CD and my mom had heard any practice, but every time she would kind of like peak, cause she's like, okay, I'm going to see if I can. 6 (11m 54s): I would like see her and I would stop look immediately. I was like, and so she didn't hear me until the night of the performance. 2 (12m 6s): Wow. She must have nervous. She going to come out here, like what's going to happen. 6 (12m 14s): She going to like, just bomb this and I'm going to have to be like a parent and be like, yay, Let's see if we can do something else next time. But there's actually a video on YouTube on my old YouTube channel or something where she's filming. And she is just Le legitimate shaking. So like hard, like just, and she's talking to my grandma in Spanish and just saying how she's nervous. And she's like, I don't know how she's going to do, like, I've heard of practice, but I'm just, I'm so like nervous right now. And I start singing and that's when she stabilizes the camera and then I hear her go, oh my God. 6 (12m 59s): Oh my God. 2 (13m 2s): That's awesome. 6 (13m 6s): And then I do the little song and then I finished and there's like an intermission. Cause it wasn't like I didn't go to our talent show, which is so crazy 2 (13m 15s): For elementary school kids. That's that's a bit much, Man. 6 (13m 23s): I know. I think when you're a parent, you have to do so much. And I'm just like, thanks mom, for coming to the performances. That was like two hours long. 2 (13m 33s): Yeah. I have two kids and, but they are pretty good about the stuff. Like if my, one of my sons is in inquire and like, they're pretty, it's like an hour. They'll do like two showings and they only let certain people into one or like parents into one and vice versa or whatever. But two hours, that's, that's a, that's a serious talent show. 6 (13m 58s): And after I finished, Ms. Waley was like, of course, like I'm so happy. Like you did so great. And then it was funny. All the kids there had their little like pamphlets and they all came up to me and started having me like sign it with my sharp RP. Oh 2 (14m 12s): Wow. 6 (14m 14s): And they're like, you're going to be famous. Like, you're so good. I'm like, I just want people to listen to my music. Like I don't really care if I'm famous or like, like I don't care about that. I just want people to be like, Hey, I like your music. And that's, you know, music has just always been that for me. Like, I it's really been a place where I feel home and I want that for my music. So I was saying that at like seven and a little bit, probably less words, a little bit less like insightful, but it definitely was from the get-go like how I wanted my music to be. 2 (14m 48s): I wonder if anyone has that still the pamphlets signed. 6 (14m 53s): That would be so cool. 2 (14m 55s): Be it would just like lands back in your lap somehow. 6 (14m 59s): Yes. Just to look at my little, I don't honestly, it's probably a horrible signature. It's probably, I still I'm still working on my signature. Cause I'm left-handed so I know back then it was probably just like, just like, and I'm like heart. 2 (15m 17s): That's funny. So, so you did that obviously in your mom finds out that you're actually very good at singing. And then she like puts you in voice lessons and, 6 (15m 28s): And doing voice lessons. I got in the choir, we had a choir at our school and elementary. So you could join when you were in fifth grade. I was doing the little vocal lessons with Ms. Wade, the, and then I did the choir and I auditioned for a, there was a program called Oak and they it's like a choir program and basically a certain amount of kids audition. And then you were able to do a big choir in Washington if you were selected. And I was selected, which I was so excited. Wow. 2 (16m 3s): And that's in fifth grade, fifth grade, you got this opportunity 6 (16m 7s): 'cause I was like, oh my God, I get to a Washington. Like I got to go for my singing. Like, wow, that's big. It was really, really exciting. And I went with my grandma and my mom and funny enough, the hotel that we were staying at, they had, my mom told me later on, there was these two little girls and they were dressed up really nice. And my mom was like, oh, like you guys have so nice. And the mom was saying that they were actually going to the white house to go hang out with Malia Obama and hang out with the white. Yeah. 2 (16m 43s): That's crazy. Just their friends, like hanging out in the same hotel as you 6 (16m 49s): Friends that they invited, I think it was Malia's either birthday or she had something coming up and they had just been adjusting to being in the white house. And this was like 2008. 2 (17m 1s): Oh really? When he, right when he won. Yeah, that makes sense. 6 (17m 5s): So they were like trying to make them feel more comfortable. And so Michelle invited these girls that had been friends with and told them to come and stay and have a sleep over. And 2 (17m 17s): Yeah, you imagine I'm going to sleep over at the white house. That's crazy. 6 (17m 21s): The ultimate like playground and just, they had told they had the mom who was these girls daughters at to my mom. Well, my mom that they had put up this like Playhouse for them. And they were going to do a tea party and maybe like an American girl doll thing, like pretty much anything wanted at that age, they were going to be able to do so I was, when my mom told me later on, I was like, wow, American girls, like, 2 (17m 50s): That's cool. That is really cool. Well, how did that performance go then in DC? Where did you get to sing at? 6 (17m 58s): It was like some Carnegie hall. It was, it was incredible. It was so beautiful. And it was kids from all over the U S so I got to meet people from everywhere, which was so cool. And I think there was a hundred kids, our for 200, it was a pretty large amount of people coming from acquire back home that had like 30 people. It was definitely completely different, but I learned how to like kind of mold my voice and my sound. And so that's when I kind of started like realizing, okay, there's certain ways I can sing things or certain ways I can pronunciate things. 6 (18m 38s): And it was so interesting just meeting people from all over, but it went great. I was very nervous because again, I was still trying to find my confidence as a performer. And even if it is 200 people, you're still like, oh my God, it was looking at me. And I was like, oh, this person. So they put me in the front, like the very, very front, because they're like, you're so little. Like, we want to make sure everyone can see you. No, it's okay. Like, I'll stand in the back. Like Billy can cover me completely, 2 (19m 8s): All stand behind the tallest kid. Yeah. 6 (19m 10s): I'm completely okay with that. And they're like, no, like your mom and your grandma would come to see you. And I was like, don't understand. Like, they will be like, it's okay. Like we get it. So then after I came back, I started taking vocal lessons with Ms. Waley. I started taking piano, literally anything and everything I could sign up for, if it was like local talent show or I pretty much did. I was like, I want to do everything I can to further my career and work on my music. 2 (19m 47s): And from the, I mean, that was in fifth grade. So you had some time to really hone your craft. So do you start, like once you get to middle school, high school, are you writing music at this point? Are you in a band or like, how do you kind of continue forward? 6 (20m 2s): I think I started writing music. I mean, I have written, I don't like to say I had started writing when I was younger. Cause it was very like, I like pie pies, like, 2 (20m 16s): Oh wait, I'll show your own writing super deep lyrics. Or maybe you were at, or now in sixth grade. 6 (20m 23s): Yeah. But yeah, I started writing probably when I was like 12 or 13. So that was when I was in middle school. I did kind of get bullied because I really wasn't the type of kid who was like very like popular. I kind of like to just say to myself and I loved music so much. So I was like Beatstars (21m 11s): Would you agree? Lil NAS X is one of the biggest artists on the planet with old town road. What have I told you? They bought the beat for old town road for 30 bucks on beat stars. And the song currently holds the record for the most time ever spent at number one on the billboard hot 100 chart, beat stars is the world's number one digital music marketplace to buy and sell beats. Beat stars is free to use for beginners and bringing it backwards. Listeners can also get a free one month pro subscription to open their own virtual music store with code bib that's beat stars.com/bib to get started on beat stars. Beatstars (21m 53s): Beat stars also allows music creators to sell their products worldwide. Everything from beats loops and sound kits to vocals lyrics, graphic design, and more dozens of top charting songs from the past few years, or actually made on beat stars or created by beat stars, producers. Like I mentioned, Lil NAS X old town road, as well as CJ's woopty Soja boys. She make it clap and many, many more beat stars has helped pay out over $150 million in music sales to hundreds of thousands of musicians, whether you're an independent artist, singer songwriter, rapper, ANR, or label, there are millions of beats available to you on beat stars and any John rhe or style. Beatstars (22m 39s): If you're interested in writing songs, but you don't play an instrument or produce beats stars is the perfect place to start. Beat stars also offers music distribution to dozens of streaming platforms for less than $20 a year for unlimited song releases, beat stars is free to use for beginners and bringing it backwards. Listeners can also get a free one month pro subscription to open their own virtual music store with code B, I be bringing it backwards. Listeners can go to beat stars.com forward slash B I B to get started on beat stars. Huge shout out to beat stars for sponsoring this episode. 6 (23m 18s): A bookworm when it came to music like, okay, you guys are going to go to do this. Okay, I'm going to go write and song or like, that's cool, but I'm going to go do my music. So I definitely started writing and not really helped me when I was struggling. And then I started doing gigs. I started working with a couple of music companies out here and they helped me gig and doing things here and there. And every weekend I would pretty much be gigging or doing some vocal lessons or doing some performance lessons or, and I also was taking acting lessons at the time. So I was doing acting and singing and then doing like dance performance and between, 2 (23m 59s): Okay. Were you doing like when you're getting these gigs, where are you in cover songs? Are you performing your own music at this point? 6 (24m 5s): Mainly covers at that point. So I recently started doing more, my original since I have my music out and I felt finally found my sound. I would just was like, I'm not ready to like put my music out. I would get these songs recorded and they felt good, but I just knew that that wasn't the sound that I was ready for someone to be like, Hey, this is Gabriella stout. I was like, Hmm, I don't know about that one yet. 2 (24m 29s): So when did you start doing that though? Like, were you in high school at this point when you're actually going into the studio and writing and recording? So 6 (24m 38s): 13, 14. 2 (24m 40s): Okay. You have those recordings? 6 (24m 44s): Probably somewhere and like my voice memos or like somewhere privately, but there is a song that I have that I, it's not like the worst song it's called magician. And I still, like, I think the songs are always going to like, hold a place in your heart where you're like, okay, like this is something that was special at the time. Maybe not don't want the world to ever hear it, but it's still meaningful. 2 (25m 12s): Okay. That's the only one that you, you you'd keep around maybe, but you wouldn't show to anyone. 6 (25m 17s): I have one song that I literally would die if it leaks. I don't know how it would, but it's called what is it called? I'm not your princess. I think that there's a video of me performing it on YouTube somewhere now everyone's like looking it up. 2 (25m 32s): Yeah. I was going to say, nah, I know what I'm doing after this interview 6 (25m 37s): Ruined my life by saying it. But yeah, it's basically I can rap. Not very good, but I can get like, I can get, I can get it. Yeah. And so when you tell sometimes to people that you're working with, like, Hey, I can do this. They decide like, oh, that's the lane we're going to push her in. They wanted me to be a rapper and they changed my name to this loose seal, Stella, which is my middle name. And I hated it. And during the time that they were doing this, I was like, are you guys kidding me? No, I'm not going to be a rapper. Like this is awful. So this whole, 2 (26m 14s): It was definitely like a niche lane to go, I guess girl rapper 6 (26m 23s): Steel, Stella, like, no, God. And the lyrics were like, which is funny. Cause I ended up writing a song called baby girl, which was kind of like seven rings type of vibe. So still kind of like rappy, but not really, basically same premise. Like, you know, I'm not your princess. Like I can take care of myself and then I write baby girl. That's like empowering of women and same kind of same concept. So that's what I thought was funny. But yeah, definitely the lyrics are, they were, I was co-writing with someone and I basically got like a small record deal with this person and they kind of were pushing me towards, like I said, being a rapper. 6 (27m 6s): So when I was co-writing with them, they were like, oh, here's this line? I'm like, no, this is so bad. 2 (27m 17s): That's funny. So then that, that just never ended up getting out after the label, even with this person, did you kind of just part ways with them 6 (27m 25s): At a parted ways, it just work out, you know, it was a cool experience. Cause I think that was the first original time that I had like worked with someone co-writing and it's really different when you're of course writing by yourself and working on your lyrics and then co-writing with someone who's like, Hey, I have this idea. I'd love both. But I personally write all my songs by myself. There are times where it's like, Hey, I have this melody with like, Ooh, I'm working with the producer. And they're like, Hey, I have a smell that you try it. And I'm like, oh cool. And then I use that for my lyrics. But yeah, that car writing experience was a little difficult. Cause like I said, he was just like, here's a line. And I'm like, oh this is cringy Please. 2 (28m 13s): Oh, but you said, you talked about baby girl and that was the first song that you released was it? 6 (28m 18s): It was, and it was very exciting because I had just turned 21 and my whole idea was I want my first song to be fun. And I also wanted it to be about, you know, I'm all about empowering women. And I think it's important, especially in this industry, there being such a small percentage of us and also song writers as well. It's so important to support each other and be there for each other. And that's how I kind of wrote this song and I had heard seven rings and I was like, oh my God, that's so cool. I want to kind of do like a vibe like that. And so, 2 (28m 56s): And it will like, what was it like releasing a song for the first time? I mean, putting it out on like DSPs and then you have the song and now you're Gabriela Stella. And you know, like what was that like? 6 (29m 6s): It was very scary. I think, you know, releasing your first song, it's kind of, you feel very vulnerable. You're almost feel like you're naked in a weird way. Like you're like exposing your journal. Like everything is out on the table and you're just like, here have me tell me if you hate me or not. And you're just like waiting, just like, okay. But I released it, like I said on my 21st birthday. Cause I knew that that would help me like have fun. I was with my friends, so they were excited. They were playing it like everywhere. They had the little speaker like walking around at bars. Like this is our, 2 (29m 42s): This is 6 (29m 43s): Our 21st. So it definitely was an experience that it was a happy one. Cause I got to be with my friends and family and like experience that release with them. So that was, that was definitely awesome for sure. 2 (29m 55s): Well, you're at a bar and you're playing your song. I noticed that it came out in 2020. So I'm assuming that came out before March. 6 (30m 4s): Yes. So it was crazy. I mean obviously releasing music in a pandemic has completely changed the game and just general I've released paranoid. I released dirty laundry. I released Bob love all three in a pandemic. Baby girl was the beginning almost of the pandemic. Everything shut down in Texas that March my birthday, February six. 2 (30m 33s): So 6 (30m 35s): Thank you. But I remember I had, I felt like it wasn't existing, obviously seen articles. I'd seen a couple of people and it definitely was in like my thoughts, like, oh my God, that is like really scary. Like, but it happened so quickly. Like literally, like I said, in that March, everything shut down and I had just been filming the bad love music video. So we had started that Friday, that Monday. I can't remember exactly what date, but that Monday, like everything shut down in Texas closed bars, close schools, like everything. 2 (31m 13s): Did you finish the video? You 6 (31m 15s): Ended up until like June or July of that year. 2 (31m 20s): Okay. Was that hard to pick up like or did you start with scratch? 6 (31m 24s): It was weird, but we ended up making it work because there was two different scenes that I wanted. Anyway. One was a little bit darker with the flashing lights and the strobes and then one was like a little bit more free and a field running around. It still was weird of course, because you know, everyone wore masks when we were not filming and we were very careful, but it just, it still was so weird. It was like, we were almost like scared to see each other, like, you know, and that's when, you know, it's like, oh, Hey, oh, Hey, Hey, Just like terrified for someone to like come up to you. 6 (32m 6s): And there was, and there were scenes where, you know, the person in the video how to kind of be close to me. And I was just, you know, I have an immune I'm immune compromised. So I was like, Hey, you know, I, I I'm really hoping, like you've been saved and was like, yeah, honestly I've been terrified, my girlfriends and me remind. So we've been really careful and luckily, no one got sick. Everyone was careful, but yeah, it's completely different releasing these like in a pandemic versus obviously before. 2 (32m 35s): Right, right, right, right. Excuse me. So yes. You have a few songs out then what about for the most recent ones paranoid? Tell me about that song. 6 (32m 45s): So paranoid is definitely different for me during the pandemic. I think you're able to slow down and kind of focus more on these like releases, which is kind of cool because I think I found a lot of like underground artists that I really love. Like there's so many like Sadie, Jean, I don't know if you've heard about her. She did a song and it kind of went viral on Tik talk. And you're just finding these like underground artists, which I love, you know, these independent artists and 2 (33m 13s): Tik TOK has really been done so much for, for independent artists and people that have, you know, never really release much music. It just takes one video or one soundbite that just goes skyrockets. You 6 (33m 29s): It's crazy because I think it has changed the music industry in such an amazing way, because I think it gives everyone a free chance to make it happen for themselves growing up. And I was doing, you know, EPKs which no one really does anymore. You do EPKs and get this little bio and flip it and CD and send it all these record labels. Now it's like, Hey, I'm going to put a song and Tik TOK, see people like it. And then it's like, oh, I'm number three on Spotify right now. It's like that's Beatstars (34m 1s): Would you agree? Lil NAS X is one of the biggest artists on the planet with old town road. What have I told you? They bought the beat for old town road for 30 bucks on beat stars. And the song currently holds the record for the most time ever spent at number one on the billboard hot 100 chart, beat stars is the world's number one digital music marketplace to buy and sell beats. Beat stars is free to use for beginners and bringing it backwards. Listeners can also get a free one month pro subscription to open their own virtual music store with code bib that's beat stars.com/bib to get started on beat stars. Beatstars (34m 42s): Beat stars also allows music creators to sell their products worldwide. 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Listeners can also get a free one month pro subscription to open their own virtual music store with code B, I be bringing it backwards. Listeners can go to beat stars.com forward slash B I B to get started on beat stars. Huge shout out to beat stars for sponsoring this episode. 6 (36m 7s): Amazing 2 (36m 8s): Because it's a focus group of people like right at your fingertips, right? And from an essentially no one, which is funny. You heard somebody talking about this where you basically the followers that you have on Tik TOK or main like more so like cloud, because nine out of 10 people aren't even looking at their like following tablet. They're just looking at the stuff on there for you page. So anybody has real an opportunity, right? So if your thing, your, your song lands on the, for you page and then enough people are liking it or interact and engaging with it, then it just goes up and up and up and up and up in peoples in the algorithm. And you don't have to have any followers. 2 (36m 48s): And if just, you can just have to have good content. 6 (36m 51s): No, and it's so true because honestly thinking about it, I'm like, wow, I actually really don't look at the following people. I mean, sometimes like following, but most of the time I'm on my page because it's like cute pictures of dogs or like 2 (37m 3s): Whatever. Yeah. Whatever you're interested in, right. They kind of curate their, your, their own, your own little playlist for you, of people. Maybe you follow, you don't follow. 6 (37m 12s): Exactly. And so, like I said, I was finding all these underground artists and there was a couple of artists that were doing like, there's this new era, which I really love, like punk pop has become so prevalent in the music industry. 2 (37m 26s): Yeah. That's what I listened to growing up as a kid, which is funny to see it kind of like coming, coming back. 6 (37m 33s): And I mean, I, it was funny. It was never really my thing, but I loved like Avril Levine. I think her, her writing her style, I always looked up to her and it's funny. People were like, oh, like who do you listen to? I'd be like Sarah Barbara Ellis, Ingrid Michaelson, and Avril Levine. And they're like, okay, that's definitely an array. And so I started listening to MGK his album, which I loved. I started listening to Nessa Barrett, Jayden, anything with Travis Barker. He's incredible. 2 (38m 8s): Yeah. He's really pulled those. I mean, yeah. I mean, he's amazing obviously, but he re like ignited that whole pop punk scene just by grabbing those 6 (38m 17s): It's like any, I mean, NGK released a song recently with Willow. I called it emo email girl, or, And, oh my God, it's so good. It's so catchy. And they just have found that sound for him. Cause I mean, he was a rapper, which is so 2 (38m 34s): Crazy. Yeah. It blows my mind. He, my family's from Cleveland, he's from Cleveland and we went to a football game. This is years ago and he played the halftime show and like, no one cared, no one was there. I mean, like everyone's leaving, getting drinks or doing whatever when he's playing. And I knew who he was. I didn't, I wasn't even like a real fan of his, I just knew who he was. My uncle was like, oh, do you know machine gun Kelly? Is that I know who he is. Like, I know what style and John or he does, but I'm not like a fan. And then he does this one pop record or pop punk record. And then he just like skyrockets. And that's what he should've been doing from the beginning. 2 (39m 16s): But 6 (39m 18s): Like, I think I have him on like a catfish, which I love that episode. I think he was so funny on that episode, but 2 (39m 26s): She was on catfish. Wasn't he? I love that show. That show is so good. 6 (39m 31s): So good. That's I that's how I discovered him in the first place is he was on that show. I had never heard of him, honestly. And then he was on that show and I started looking into his music and I've kind of followed his career since then. 2 (39m 44s): And you're still a rapper and when he was 6 (39m 47s): Happy, cause I think you were his girl. So which is so crazy to think about how he's completely 180 to it. So like I said, I was listening to this type of music and I had reached out to a producer and I was like, I really want to do a punk pop song more on the pop side because it obviously has to still fit my narrative and the sound that I'm kind of looking for. But I'm like, I want to write it about like mental health. And he was like, I think that'd be really sick. And so he sent me this one truck. It had, it was a little bit too punk, which is so funny. I'm like it's punk for the pop princess. And he's like, oh, sorry. 6 (40m 28s): Like I just got so excited. I was like, you're fine. He sent it back. And I was like, okay, I think this is perfect. So I started writing to it. And at the time, I mean, I struggled with anxiety and so I was kind of like dealing with that. And so I was thinking about things that people have said and like when I'm anxious and so, you know, you're paranoid, you're looking over your shoulder. Like, why are you like, why? Like thinking about when you're a little kid, when you're like looking under the bed, like, oh my God, they're moms, mom type of thing. So I just kind of really dove deep into that and then paranoid was born. 2 (41m 4s): Very cool. Very cool. I liked the song a lot. And like I said, I've heard, I've heard, listened to the four that you have out and they're awesome. And you're playing a show I saw coming up as well. Right. Dallas. 6 (41m 14s): So tonight, yes. I'm so excited. It's a thing called so far. Sounds these little intimate gigs that are in the Dallas, Nashville, Los Angeles, New York, like anywhere. And basically you get this little link, you can buy tickets and they'll send you the address like 36 hours before. And yeah. And you get to bring chairs, you get to bring your own alcohol little snacks. Like it's very intimate and people really pay attention. It's really one of my favorite gigs that I get to perform. Cause it's, like I said, it's very intimate. Everyone seems to enjoy the music and just let themselves go. 6 (41m 56s): And it's just such a great environment. So I love these types of gigs there. They're my favorite. 2 (42m 2s): Do you know in advance where you're going to be? Or just in this fans just don't know. 6 (42m 7s): They tell them like, Hey, you know, you're going to perform behind a dumpster like on this street. No, but 2 (42m 16s): Yeah. Well, especially cause we were talking earlier about how, you know, you can go downtown in 16 an hour. So it's like really prepare. 6 (42m 26s): This is actually like, I think 10 to 15 minutes away from me. So I've never really had to get close like this to me, it's usually always in Dallas, like you said, 45 minutes to an hour. And I'm like finishing my makeup in the car, like putting on my lashes. I'm like, okay. I thought I had enough time. Definitely. So, but yeah, I'm really excited. It's just, it's so fun to have music out and people enjoying it. So I really appreciate you saying that you like our music. 2 (42m 52s): Of course. Yeah. I think you're doing awesome. And I appreciate you doing this interview. Thank you so much. 6 (42m 57s): Thank you so much for having me. You have a great day. 2 (42m 60s): I have one more question for you before you bail. If that's cool. I want to know if you have any advice for aspiring artists. 6 (43m 10s): I think my main advice would be don't let the nose affect you as much as I let it affect me because it takes one. Yes. It takes one. Yes. For someone to be like, you know what? I'll give you a chance because I think it does get discouraging when you keep getting nos, you know, I've tried out for American idol multiple times. I've tried out for the voice and you know, it's hard when someone's like, no, like it could be simple to your looks or the sound or the vibes that you're just getting off. And I think it is hard to not take it personally. And so my mom has come up with this phrase, like it takes one. Yes. 6 (43m 51s): And so it's always been in my head, like it takes a one. Yes. And I think about like, you know, last year I was featured in rolling stone, India, which was so exciting to me and literally like was incredible for emerging artists. And I thought about like, okay, what if I hadn't like taken that chance of like, Hey, here's my music or, Hey, here's this, you know, I think you just have to get out of your head and it does still learning. There's still, of course there's times where I'm like, oh my God, I wanted that so bad that dah, dah, dah. And then I get an email and it's like, Hey, you want to do this interview? And I'm like, oh, okay. Yeah. So you have to just not be hard on yourself and realize, you know, everything happens for a reason and that everyone's journey looks a little bit different. CoolContours (45m 4s): Hey, it's Johnny wine look and feel your very best visit the team at cool contours. They are the number one, the CoolSculpting provider in Virginia, their award-winning team of certified CoolSculpt Dean Leite and Colton specialists work with you to create a fully customized treatment plan to achieve your dream body. Learn more@kool-contours.com. That's cool-contours.com as right by algin and June, 2021 CoolSculpting Lee's FDA cleared three visible fat bulges, nine areas of the body. Some common side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. Jeep (45m 34s): This president's day. Celebrate American legends with great deals at the Jeep president's day event. 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